I've been expanding my fleet over the last couple of days in small working sessions.
Two hours on thursday afternoon saw my vanguard drones expand to six, with a small modification on the design. with two options for armament I decided to give them pyroacid batteries. A heavily trimmed spine fist was mounted underneath the nose of the drone. Later, I'll be making some drones with feeder tentacles, but I can't do that until I get my hands on some old pens that I can remove the springs from.
Today I've built two of my prototype Krakens. One with pyroacid battery, and the other with torpedoes
I also commenced building my first cruiser, using a spare back plate from a carnifex, with a pair of massive talons coming out from it. Two warrior barbed stranglers form the back end, with a spore mound as the underside. A spare armour plate forms a beak at the prow.
I still have to add the armament to the cruiser, but I'll come back to that next time i work on the fleet.

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