Monday, October 26, 2009
War of the Ring
After sorting my LOTR figures I've decided to focus on two armies, with possible allies for each (up to 25% of the an army's points may be spent on allies). Continuing my theme from TAGCon 2009, I'm going to make an Isengard army, with Haradrim allies (no Mumak). And after a thorough check over of my forces of good, I'm building a Rohirrim army with Gondor and Elf allies.
Since Saturday I've put in a few hours on the first two formations of Rohirrim I'm building. These are both common formations, from the same sprues. Oathsworn militia, which come in two types - archers, and infantry. After about six hours of work on the 30 something miniatures I have available, They now stand at weapons and armour completed, along with the clothing. In all, 10 coats of paint across the various parts of the minis. I'm happy with the progress so far, but they still have a long way to go to be completed.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
The fleet grows

Wednesday, October 7, 2009
I fought Owen in a battlebox game last night, and came out the other side with a bit more knowledge, and another loss.
Using his Cryx against my Menoth, Owen took the first turn, advancing quickly across the table. I responded by marching my jacks forward, and Kreoss opening up with his Lamentation spell, with Deneghra inside his control range
Two turns later, my revenger had lost his halberd to the slayer. Seeing a possible quick end to the game, I ran the damaged revenger past the Cryx jacks to within three inches of Deneghra. Kreoss fired Menoth's wrath, knocking down all the cryx jacks, and pushed immolation through the revengers arc node. The spell missed as I didn't have the focus to boost it. Oh well, time to do as much damage as I could to the jacks.
Kreoss charged the slayer slamming it quickly but not finishing it. The Crusader tore the head off one of the Deathrippers.
Owen finished the game by having the slayer pick Kreoss up, and throw him toward the crusader. Kreoss fell short, and to the side. One obstacle in area, a wall, and of course Kreoss lands on it (half his life gone). The defiler moves across to get a line on the fallen Kreoss, and promptly fired its sludge cannon. Game over, Kreoss lies dissolved in a puddle of goo.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Another new project
The site I got the details from also suggest using Raveners as Hive ships, with a few alterations, and I just happen to have three older raveners lying around, along with a 3rd edition Hive Tyrant. So I could have the makings of a fairly large fleet just lying around in my bits box. Not too bad, one army's left over parts forming an entire new force for another game
Kreoss Marches on
Obviously there is still a lot more work to do on the battlebox, but they will taken on their second outing tomorrow. Their first was about a week ago, against Nigel's mangled metal list. naturally that was not a battlebox list, at least 50 points more than my list, but it taught me a few things about the game. I also learned that lamentation is very good spell against Haley. Once Kreoss was in range for the spell, he shut down her turtle very effectively. I did get hammered, as the long guns on his two light jacks put my jacks down quickly, but they did provide enough cover for Kreoss to close with the ironclad, and pound it into scrap metal.
Despite the defeat I enjoyed the game, and am looking forward to many more games of warmachine. Tomorrow is my training game with Owen before the battlebox tournament, which takes place on the following 2 wednesdays.